But there are some things closer to home, such as not buying charcoal made in Brazil, (It is often made from burning rainforest trees.) Buying British or US beefburgers, (as the main buyers from destructive cattle farmers make beefburgers) in fact, stop eating beefburgers altogether, as at one point there were rumours going round, which said that a main-street burger bar were using paper made from rainforest trees!
There is no real need to worry about not buying Mahogany goods, as mahogany has now been banned as an import, as has the import of wild rainforest animals, such as all tropical species of parrot, and tropical monkeys.
Of course, some animals slip through customs, which is why you can sometimes find rare lizards in pet-shops
There are also breeding programmes to try and recover animal populations, but these are slow and don't work most of the time.

The rainforest may or may not be destroyed, but if the children today are taught that we could not survive without it, then the future could be saved

But that's all from me for now, as I've had a call form Marcus, seems he wants me to find a 'Lost ark', see you all again sometime, and remember, one species of rainforest creature becomes extinct every 15 minutes

Good luck with saving the rainforests,
D.R. Rory Jones

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